Sunday, August 7, 2011

Arisu,Yuuko and Hayate HOBBIES !

yesterday me and Hayate were playing at Yuuko's House.Before that,i was finishing my practise for my singing group.After that im going to Yuuko's.My plan was watching horor movies.Yuuko has many horor movies and so on.Ah,I was watching an anime that i dont know the name.I just forgot and watching the thailand horor movie named " the red shoes ".we just watch that until in the middle of the movie.Next we are going to making a drama musical from Yuuko's anime figure.She had many,such as Black Rock Shooter,Vocaloids,Toshaka Rin and Gundams.Me and Hayate were playing the figures and put the song sections in each part.I really laugh a lot.Yuuko was camering our roleplay.oh damn ! i laugh again.Though we're making a romeo and juliet film.This film was so funny.And we're making a little funny act of the figure.Here's some of the picture.

 How it looks like ? we call it astro boy !

 Black Rock Shooter was excecute Toshaka Rin !

 And this is,Titanic,Toshaka Rin and Black Rock Shooter version :D

Ah i have made the video of us too while making the film of romeo and juliet.But i know that you wont know our language if you're not indonesian.Okay now turn to the next activities.
We are watching the Black Swan that popular of the ballerinas.Yes,they had so much sexs part that we forgot to skip the part.Remember im not a hentai person.After watching that film,we're going to watching tom and jerry.whew are we tired ? of course we are ! i had a nice sleep at home lately.Ah i forgot,while we are watching The red shoes and making film,Yuuko's curtain was torn ! yes me and hayate didnt do that.Yuuko's curtain was so thin.The wind was blow so hard and torn the curtain ! yes we're shocked then.Well that for the activities yesterday ! So?what's your story ?Can you beat my story ? (:

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