Tuesday, April 24, 2012


EPISODE 25 ( NORMAL ENDING ) release date : 29 March 2012
Adachi talks down to Yu and the others, saying that there is nothing worth doing in the real world, and everything will just become better when the world inside the TV and the real world combine, turning everyone into Shadows. He threatens to shoot Yu, as the others have problems dealing with the Reapers. As Naoto confronts the Adachi avatar speaking to her and Kanji she spots something large in the sky, while Adachi proclaims the worlds will soon merge. Elsewhere, Rise uses Himiko to analyze the object, seeing it is a large collection of energy that is falling to the ground, while Chie and Yukiko realize his plan is insane. Adachi adds that once they become Shadows, they will not have to have emotions and will act only on instinct. This prompts Yosuke and Teddie to lash back at the Reaper, as it is revealed that the real Adachi had not shot Yu. However, as Magatsu Izanagi attacks the real Izanagi, Yu reacts in pain. Adachi calls him out on treating everything like a game to distract him from his boring life, and that he should not be seeking out the truth as Namatame is all the police needed to catch. However, Yu says that is not the truth he wants to seek, and that Adachi's excuses do not make up for what he did. Elsewhere, the groups of his friends take out the Reapers attacking them while also expressing their distaste in Adachi's plans. Adachi uses Magatsu Izanagi to make one last stand, but Yu and Izanagi take him out, destroying Magatsu Izanagi. Realizing he has lost and that there is no longer another world to go back to, Adachi decides to kill himself, but the dark force in the sky picks him up and uses him to say to the others that it will rule over the new world, revealing itself as the strange object hidden within Shadow Teddie months before. Yu asks who it is, and it reveals it is Ameno-sagiri, a being that controls the fog that covers both worlds and awoken by human desires as it attacks them. In the real world, Yu's friends see a strange object in the sky. In the TV world, Yu uses Isis to free himself from rubble as Himiko's analysis reveals Ameno-sagiri is what is bringing the two worlds together, as it reveals it is doing so because people can no longer differentiate between reality and fantasy, so fantasy will reign supreme. Everyone sends their Personas to try to keep Ameno-sagiri from crashing into the ground, while Ameno-sagiri reveals that their ability to face their Shadows to obtain Personas have only been a means for its plans to proceed, as the TV world only shows what people want to see. Naoto realizes that this is why they saw Namatame's Shadow not saying his inner thoughts, but what they wanted to hear him say. However, Ameno-sagiri wonders if their Personas are what are meant to be humanity's future, before proclaiming that it will test them to find out, pushing the Personas off of itself. It picks up Yu, wondering why he resists so much as he is alone, and the bonds he has with his friends are lasting. As he says his friends will always be with him and he will never give up, everyone in the group call out to him when they realize he is in danger and their Personas react.

In the Velvet Room, Margaret notes that a miracle has occurred.

Jiraiya transforms into Susano-o and saves Yu from Ameno-sagiri. Tomoe Gozen transforms into Suzuka Gongen, Konohana Sakuya transforms into Amaterasu, Take-Mikazuchi transforms into Rokuten Maoh, Himiko transforms into Kanzeon, Sukuna-Hikona transforms into Yamato-Takeru, and Kintoki-Douji transforms into Kamui. With their new Personas, they attack Ameno-sagiri, and with all of their trust in him, Yu summons Lucifer to finish off Ameno-sagiri, who realizes that the truth about humanity has made it realize it is not needed, as it disappears. The group finds Adachi, who asks to be left in the TV world to be eaten by Shadows, but they tell him he has to pay for his crimes. In the real world, Nanako wakes up, telling Dojima that she had a dream that Yu and his friends saved everyone. Months later, everyone sees off Yu on his trip back to Tokyo, and after a heartfelt goodbye, Yu boards the train and heads home.

In the Velvet Room, Igor remarks on the amazing journey their guest has had, and reveals a crystal that has formed from the power he has gained, shining as it shows the way to truth. Margaret remarks on the bonds the guest has made while seeking out the truth, and hopes he will continue in the future.

EPISODE 25 (TRUE END) release date : 22 August 2012
Before Yu moves back to Tokyo, he realizes they have not yet discovered the true culprit behind the mysterious events in Inaba.

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