Tuesday, December 20, 2011

many questions that already given for you..

who am i in front of you? friend?girl friend?family?cousin?or what?
who am i beside you? what do you think about me?do you care of me?why?why you used to say goodbye on me?why you must be my friend?what will happened if we used not to meet each other?do you still remember me?who am i for you?what's your purpose to be my friend?what will happened if i leave you behind?what will you do if i will hate you later?do you still want to be my friend?am i your truly friend?or am i more than a friend?am i your girl friend?who is she?is she your friend?or girlfriend?or cousin?part of family?are you jealous?am i wrong?do you think that i must be yours?can you repeat what did you say just now?who are you?are you my childhood friend?are you my family?are you my friend?are you my crush?or are you my boyfriend?what will you do if this world will end tomorrow?will you say that you love me?do you fell in love with me?do you used to have a dinner with me?do you make me a lunch?do you hate me?do you like me?or do you miss me?also,do you need me?or maybe i need you?i miss you?or i like you?who is the victim?who is the culprit?am i the victim?or are you the culprit?or neither both of us are the victim and culprit?what's your favorite song?what's your favorite music type?do you like rock type?classic type?or pop type?what's your favorite then?what do you like about me?last question,what's your answer?

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