Saturday, December 24, 2011


Here's some Fonts on Microsoft words that i always using for typing my story or schools projects ! YOU'D BETTER SEE THIS ! THESE FONTS ARE EXTREMELY AWESOME FOR
ME :3

  • Parchment
  • Century Gothic
  • Tw Cen MT
  • Papyrus
  • Old English Text MT
  • Tempus Sans ITC
  • Blackkader ITC
  • Bradley Hand ITC
  • Chiller
  • Curlz MT
  • Edwardian Script ITC
  • Freestyle Script
  • Gabriola
  • Gigi
  • Harrington
  • JasmineUPC
  • Jokerman
  • Juice ITC
  • Kristen ITC
  • Kunstler Script
  • Maiandra GD
  • Matura MT Script Capitals
  • Monotype Corsiva
  • Palace Script MT
  • Playbill
  • Poor Richard
  • Pristina
  • Rage Italic
  • Ravie
  • Segoe Print
  • Snap ITC
  • Vivaldi
  • Vladimir Script


Thursday, December 22, 2011


i win the 2nd prize of 34 days before christmast :3
that's a super Christmast gift to me by God.Thanks god ! i love you so much ><
okay ! i will work super hard for my other story ! this is really excite me ! please support me guys !
i'm so happy today :3

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

stories that i work on right now.

  1. Romeo and JURIETTA?! (in a half writen - paused)
This story i was write since at the first December,this story is about the twin juliet named,Arisu and Alice.One of them will be enganged with the one of the son of the kingdom across.Arisu,Alice's twin sister wasn't interested with engangement and not really good with guests.So,she escape with her man servant,Shura Liddell to have a walk.Her father,Shiro Fukuyama had told Shura about Arisu's mother,Elena Blanc that she was is sickness and only Yamagata family (the kingdom across) had a medicine for Elena.So,Shiro used to engange one of her daughter to one of the son from the Yamagata's.While Arisu not fell in love for the son of Yamagata.But soon,something will relief.
Genre : Romantic,Comedy,Slife of Life
  • Featurings : Arisu Shirayuki,Shura Liddell,Shiki Yamagata,Alice Shirayuki,Shiro Fukuyama,Haruki Yamagata.

    2.  Clever and Stupid Over the Fumizuki High School ! (in a half writen - on going!)
This story is about a school named,Fumizuki high had a class system in 3 periods.The first is A class,which had a nice and good facilities like 5 stars hotel ad countain a celver peoples.B class is an ordinary class and countain of ordinary academics peoples.And C class is the stupidious class and countain of stupid or bad academics students.Shimada Ryuuji,a young boy who stuck in C class because of his "hell an idiot" but good at home economics,meet his friends in C class,such as Kirigakure Haruki,Chihiro Mirai and also Shirasaki Himeko.Himeko is a clever girl and her academics must be in A class but she's so careless about filling the answers.So,she stuck in C class because of the right answer was placed at the questions before.Such as a triangle loves between Ryuuji,Himeko and Mirai also a childhood friend of Haruki,Shirayuki Arisu.
Genre : Comedy,Romantic,Slice of Life,School Life
  • Featuring : Shimada Ryuuji,Shirasaki Himeko,Chihiro Mirai,Kirigakure Haruki,Shirayuki Arisu,Liddell Shura,Seishiro Saitou,Shinichirou Yuuko,Yamagata Shiki.

   3.  Sherlock Yuuko in Blackwood Parody (NEW - still on mind)
You're right,this story is about a detectives.This story about a girl named,Sherlock Yuuko and her partner,Shiki H.Watson are watching a cinema and suddenly a phone call was ringing and Yuuko must catch the culprit,Vincent Blackwood of stealing a diamond and escaped when they had a battle.Yuuko and Shiki asked their old best friend to help them,Haruki du Beaumont about roleplaying,though he's good at roleplaying.But,eventually,his fiancee,Arisu Blanc had been kidnapped by Vincent Blackwood,and the case also not finished yet about the diamond.One of a day,another case had come but not the Blackwood as the culprit but,another culprit that always left a word "R.I.P is back!".Not,only that,Yuuko also always had a given letter in her own office everyday without the name from and always left a queen card.What will Yuuko and Shiki solves first?Blackwood's parody?the culprit that always left a sign?or someone who always give her a terror and left a queen card?
Genre : Action,Adventure,Crime,Comedy
  • Featuring : Sherlock Yuuko,Shiki H.Watson,Vincent Blackwood,William the Ripper,Himeko the Queen,Haruki du Beaumont,Arisu Blanc


and my answer is..

my answer don't have to ask me many questions..because the one thing that i like is you,you're not my fanily,girlfriend or what..but you're more than a friend..i don't have any favorites except favorite song is your voice..everything is about likes,all your questions i will answered're the one thing that i like from past and future..don't worry,don't ask me many questions,because you already know the answers,it's YOU.neither you ask me do i hate you?the answer is also YOU,because you're the one who i can't hate about.and,the most thing that i really do love is YOU anything about YOU is positive in front of,don't worry about my answer and my attitude for you..because you're the most that i think all the time and the one who gimme the positive answer.

many questions that already given for you..

who am i in front of you? friend?girl friend?family?cousin?or what?
who am i beside you? what do you think about me?do you care of me?why?why you used to say goodbye on me?why you must be my friend?what will happened if we used not to meet each other?do you still remember me?who am i for you?what's your purpose to be my friend?what will happened if i leave you behind?what will you do if i will hate you later?do you still want to be my friend?am i your truly friend?or am i more than a friend?am i your girl friend?who is she?is she your friend?or girlfriend?or cousin?part of family?are you jealous?am i wrong?do you think that i must be yours?can you repeat what did you say just now?who are you?are you my childhood friend?are you my family?are you my friend?are you my crush?or are you my boyfriend?what will you do if this world will end tomorrow?will you say that you love me?do you fell in love with me?do you used to have a dinner with me?do you make me a lunch?do you hate me?do you like me?or do you miss me?also,do you need me?or maybe i need you?i miss you?or i like you?who is the victim?who is the culprit?am i the victim?or are you the culprit?or neither both of us are the victim and culprit?what's your favorite song?what's your favorite music type?do you like rock type?classic type?or pop type?what's your favorite then?what do you like about me?last question,what's your answer?




3.BAKA TO TEST TO SHOUKANJUU (season 1 & 2 )

Pandora Hearts Characters INFORMATION : Reo Baskerville

Reo Baskerville

Name Leo
Kanji レオ
Romanji Reo
Race Human
Age 16
Gender Male
Height 163 cm
Eyes Black
Hair Black
Professional Status
Affiliation Baskerville Family
Previous Affiliation Pandora
Previous Occupation Student
Partner Elliot Nightray (Previous Master, now deceased)
Personal Status
Status Alive
Current Jabberwock
First Appearance
Manga Debut XXV: Eliot&Reo
Japanese Voice Akeno Watanabe 

Leo Baskerville (リーオ, Rĩo also known as Reo) was Eliot Nightray's servant and friend. Now he is the new head of the Baskervilles, as he is the new host for Glen Baskerville's soul.


Leo used to live in an unknown town with his mother and father. He was always known as the weird one. He could hear a voice in his head and see flecks of golden light everywhere while no one else could. His mother

Leo as a child.

decided to let Leo's bangs grow down over top of his eyes so that he didn't have to see the world the way he did anymore and that way, maybe he could feel more normal. Leo's father died when he was very young in an accident while in town and he lived with only his mother from there out.
Leo's mother then died when he was 12, while some said she'd been caught in the middle of a drunken brawl, others said that she was devoured by some sort of monster, the latter being what happened. In truth, Leo's mother was eaten by a Chain, and so Leo was taken away by a man one day. No one questioned Leo's leaving, and so Leo went to the place where all children who had lost their parents to Chain and other Abyss related instances went, The House of Fianna. The House of Fianna was an orphanage in Sablier that was owned by the Nightray Dukedom, unknown to him though, the Orphans were subject to experimentation involving the study of Chains, and the Orphans were often used as bait to draw out Chains. Leo noticed quickly that a specific man, Isla Yura, often visited the House of Fianna and Leo had a bad feeling about him, and so tried to keep his distance. Eventually, Leo taught himself how to play piano and formed a love for music.
Leo was bad with the Orphans because he had no idea how to handle them as all the children of his village ignored him as well, and so when one of the Orphans went to touch Leo's bangs, wondering why he had them so long, Leo shoved her to the ground and ran. This is when Leo found the House of Fianna's Library. Leo immersed himself in the world of the books to keep away from everyone. The books were all too complicated for the little Orphans, so Leo was quite peaceful everyday... until Leo met him.
Elliot Nightray was brought by his brothers, Claude and Ernest, to choose a Valet for young Elliot. Upon meeting, the two started immediatly striking blows at one another. Claude eventually carted Elliot away, but he came back. To start off, Leo just retorted all of Elliot's remarks, and even though Elliot stormed away angrily, he always came back later and so Leo started to enjoy his company. Eventually, the two formed a friendship through their mutual love of music.
Elliot played a song that he wrote, "Statice", for Leo. Elliot said it had come to him in a dream and so he claimed it as his own, only then did Elliot offer Leo the song as a gift. Leo initially refused,


Leo rejects Elliot's offer.

he thought that using the song as a symbol of their friendship was cheesy, but eventually accepted it. Elliot was known to be jealous of Leo's musical skill because he had taught himself and was so much better than Elliot, but the subject never got between them. Leo later wrote "Lacie", brought on by Glen being inside Leo, and gave it to Elliot as a gift, in return for "Statice".
Leo and Elliot formed a strong friendship from there, and were able to share more personal information with one another. Elliot was present when someone had set up a haircut for Leo, but when they came near Leo's hair with the scissors, Leo disarmed them and beat on them, nearly killing them with the scissors himself. Elliot asked Leo why he covers his eyes, as Leo had let Elliot see them and Elliot thought that they were beautiful, and so Leo explained that he wasn't hiding them, but rather that he didn't want to see the world as it was.
Later on, Elliot asked Leo to become his Valet, as Leo was what Elliot had always been searching for, a person that he can talk to as a friend and an equal. Leo declined upon being asked, but later changed his mind and accepted Elliot's offer as the Nightray Library had piqued Leo's interest and he saw Elliot as a better person than when he had first met him.
Elliot later bought Leo a pair of glasses to cover his eyes rather than let Leo use his hair, to which Leo was grateful. Together, they were a perfect pair, though Leo still had his secrets. Leo kept Isla Yura away from Elliot, not wanting Yura to be anywhere near Elliot.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

ANIME TALK! - Baka To Test to Shoukanjuu Ni !

guys,what's anime that we should talk about ? :3 let's see..AH how about,BAKA TO TEST TO SHOUKANJUU NI ! ? it's a bit popular on November..let's check !

The story centers around a boy named Akihisa Yoshii, also known as the idiot or "Baka" of the titled anime. He attends Fumizuki Academy, a school where the staff rigidly divides the students based on the results of their academic scores. At the start of the school, students are academically sorted by entrance exam test grades. The higher the grades, the higher the class, and the better the benefits. In this case, Class A is filled with the highest-scoring students; therefore, their classroom was filled with many prestigious items (air conditioners, fancy seats, laptops, a free snack bar, etc.), while the state of Class F is the complete opposite of that, representing the "bottom of the barrel" amenities. This academy has something special, where all the students manage to call forth Summoned Beings (Shōkanjū, or "Avatars" in the official English translation). These Beings are used for battles between classes with the goal of capturing (or retaining) the best classroom facilities. Since Class A is filled with prodigies, they all have strong Summoned Beings, while Class F has drastically weak ones in comparison. A teacher must authorize/supervise each battle, and the health and strength of each summoned being is based on the student's last test score in that teacher's subject (i.e. Math, History, etc.). The beings lose points when struck by an opponent, and should the point count reach zero, the being and student are disqualified. However, if the student can leave the battle before reaching zero, these points can be replenished by taking a supplemental exam. The student's being may then return to the battle.
On the day of the placement test, an intelligent girl named Mizuki Himeji suffers from a fever and is unable to complete her test, hence her reining in a score of zero. As a result, she is pigeonholed into Class F together with Akihisa Yoshii. Akihisa, who dreams of the day when the academy would no longer be divided by grades, pitches an idea to his class to rule over the higher-level classes by doing a Summoned Being War for both Mizuki's sake and to get more and more privileges. Aside from Mizuki (who happens to be the second-ranked student in the school), there is also the class representative Yūji Sakamoto, the bishōnen Hideyoshi Kinoshita, the perverted Kota Tsuchiya, and the tomboyish Minami Shimada (who, as Akihisa claims, is his worst enemy).

Animonster 2011 shows Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu NI ! as it's cover on November 2011.

A 13-episode anime adaptation produced by the animation studio Silver Link and directed by Shin Ōnumi aired in Japan between January 7 and March 31, 2010. On March 4, 2010, Funimation Entertainment announced that it had acquired the anime and streamed simulcast subtitled episodes days after they aired in Japan under the title Baka and Test – Summon the Beasts. Two OVA episodes under the title Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu: Matsuri. were released in two BD/DVD volumes: the first on February 23, 2011 and the second on March 30, 2011. Both OVA come with 2-3 different ending sequences. A second anime season under the title Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Ni! begin airing in Japan in July 2011.
The first anime season had three pieces of theme music: one opening theme and two ending themes. The opening theme is "Perfect-area Complete!" by Natsuko Aso, composed by Kenichi Maeyamada. The first ending theme is "Baka Go Home" by Milktub and BakaTest All Stars. The second ending theme is "Hare Tokidoki Egao" by Hitomi Harada, Kaori Mizuhashi, Emiri Katou and Tomomi Isomura. The Matsuri OVAs had one opening theme and one ending theme. The opening theme is "Ren'ai Kōjō Committee" (恋愛向上committee) by Natsuko Aso, and the ending theme is "Getsuyō wa Kirai" (月曜はキライ?) by Milktub. The second anime season has one opening theme and one ending theme. The opening theme is "Kimi+Nazo+Watashi de Jump!!" (君+謎+私でJUMP!!) by Larval Stage Planning, made up of I've Sound singers Airi Kirishima, Nami Maisaki, and Rin Asami. The ending theme is "Eureka Baby" (エウレカベイビー) by Natsuko Aso. Funimation has also licensed the second season and the Matsuri OVA's, as with the first, they will simulcast the second series, followed by a Blu-ray and DVD release in 2012 .
The series made its North American television debut on August 1, 2011 on the Funimation Channel.


Larval Stage Planning - Kimi+Nazo+Watashi de JUMP !


TOP 10 ><

1.Ao no Exorcist
2.Pandora Hearts
3.The World God Only Knows
4.Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu
5.Letter  Bee !
6.Ouran High School Host Club
8.Angel Beats !